How To Backwash A DE Filter
Written by Brian B

How To Backwash A DE Filter

How can you effectively backwash a DE (diatomaceous earth) filter? Use our guide below!

What Is A DE Filter?

DE is skeletons of fossilized single cell organisms. These organisms are called diatoms. In order to create a DE cake, a white powder is added to the filter. This will latch itself onto the grind inside the actual filter. The cake is then used to filter out fine particles that have entered the area. DE filters do typically have an assortment of maintenance needs, but they are undoubtedly the most effective pool filters.

Steps To Backwashing A DE Filter

Use these steps whenever you are backwashing your DE filter:

  1. Turn off the power to the filter system. Then turn the multi-position valve to “backwash” or you can pull open to twist the pull/push valve on the backwash gate.
  2. Turn the filter system power back on, letting it run for two minutes. This washes out the valve or backwash port.
  3. After a few minutes of running, shut the system back down. If you have a multi-position valve, you must turn it to rinse. Let the filter run again for one minute, if this is the case.
  4. Turn the system off once again and turn the multi-position valve over to filter. Shut the push valve or pull completely.
  5. Add more DE powder to the skimmer basket after turning the filter back on.
  6. Read the filter instructions before adding DE powder.

When To Backwash The Filter

You will know it is time to backwash the filter once the meter goes up by 9-10 pounds past the normal starting pressure. For instance, if your starting pressure is 10psi, yet it now reads 20psi, it’s time for a backwash. It never hurts to backwash earlier as a preventative measure.

How Often To Backwash DE Filter

Your DE pressure will let you know how often you need to perform this task. Pressure will typically build up due to an influx of dust and debris in the filter. The more dust or debris in the area, the higher the pressure levels.

Adding DE After Backwashing The Filter

So how much DE should you add after backwashing? Start by figuring out the square footage, which should be located on the side of the tank. Search online or call the manufacturer if you cannot find this information. DE is usually measured in pounds, so having a one-pound DE scoop in your possession is a good idea.

How To Backwash Hayward DE Filters

Start by turning the Hayward system off and twisting the backwash valve until it is open. Using the bump handle, bump the filter 15 times. Perform this part of the task slowly and with care. Keep the valve open, turning the system back on to let it run for several minutes. Turn the system off once more and repeat the previous steps. Finish this task by turning the system down and closing the valve completely. Add more DE powder to your skimmer basket, then start the system back up.

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